How Much Will You Pay for Long-Term Care if You Don't Have Insurance?
"We believe every American should be able to afford sophisticated and honest financial advice"
- Feb 11, 2019
- 3 min
How Much Should I Pay for Long-Term Care Insurance?
Affluencer financial is a fee-based financial planning firm headquartered in Los Angeles, California. We do not make investment decisions on behalf of clients; rather we provide comprehensive advice and solutions without encouraging you to buy products. In fact, we do not manage securities nor are we affiliated with any investment firm that provides us management fees based on the purchase or trade of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. We simply provide clients with unbiased, independent, objective advice on their personal financial goals. *Affluencer is not a securities firm, "Investments" refers to fixed products and real estate. ᶧFiduciary engagements must be agreed upon and approved by both parties in writing. We are not real estate licensed.